Spike® Giant-8-Loop
325 m
30 m
60 km/h
1.0 g
800 pph

Giant-8-Loop - ride the impossible
The standing figure eight is a ride element that coaster designers have been dreaming about for decades. With Spike ASM technology, this dream is now a reality. The ride figure is a big wow effect and it is hard to believe that it is rideable. Thanks to the latest technology and innovative design, you glide through fascinating loops and twists that give you the feeling of unlimited freedom.
The Giant-8 Loop offers not only pure thrills, but also a unique visual spectacle that thrills riders and spectators alike. With a track length of only 325m this sensational ride is affordable for smaller parks. However, in addition to the standing figure eight element, it offers a bunch of other exciting ride figures to complete the ride experience and make it a true big coaster for any park.