Spike Fun25x12

Spike Fun

Platform of Excitement

Spike Fun 2

Spike train for a huge range of fun experiences


Spike Fun features a brand new launch coaster experience Its on board energy not only provides a massive acceleration out of the station but also makes turns and inverted figures a launch event.

The tilting seats either automatically or interactively controlled by the passenger, are an eye catcher and experience booster in one. Every ride is different depending on the tilt and speed and forces are enjoyed in an incomparable way


  • Spike Tilt Seats - interactive or automatically controlled
  • multiple Launch at any time up to > 1g
  • all-new energized thrill and upside-down elements
  • freely controllable speed & motion
  • powerful sound system and LED lights
  • video system with additional ride information
  • energy efficient incl. recuperation
Spike Fun Infografik
Tilt Seat

Spike Tilt Seat

Controlled automatically or interactively by the passenger with the joystick, the seat tilts backwards and forwards during the ride. . Depending on the ride maneuver, this causes increasingly extreme seating positions and generates a completely new roller coaster feeling. Whether during take-off, camelback, loop, wheelie or jump - when the seat tilts, and surprisingly dynamically, it always feels different depending on the timing.

  • two tilt options - Interactively via Joystick, or pre-programmed automatically
  • two restraint options - Belt or Hip bar restraint, both allowed for upside-down elements
  • two seat styles – with and without headrest depending on whether thrill or family ride character
Spike Tilt Seat S
Tilt Test S


Spike FunOmega Coaster 1Barnstormer 1Darkride 1
